Creating a safe and effective Oncology Yoga Space


  • Establish ample room to extend your arms and legs in all directions
  • Choose a clear, quiet space
  • Clear any unnecessary furniture
  • Have access to a wall or chair if possible.
  • Set the standards: no interruptions for the class duration
  • Place your computer, phone or tablet so you can see and hear the instructor clearly
  • Remove pets (if they are distracting)
  • Put all phones on silent or vibrate


  • Set up your practice space, including necessary yoga props
  • Set up computer, tablet or device
  • Turn your camera ON! To keep you safe during the session, the teacher will want to SEE you practicing. This is a vital step that often people overlook.
  • Check your internet connection and minimize programs that could be impacting download speed (such as Netflix, Dropbox, etc)
  • If you are participating in a live streaming class, review the technology requirements.
  • Prioritize by allocating time and day to your calendar


  • Wear comfortable clothes
  • Have water ready and available
  • Practice on an empty stomach
  • Set your intention: pretend you are visiting a studio or gym
  • Establish boundaries with other people to respect your space and practice time
  • Practice with curiosity
  • Practice with patience for yourself and for others
  • For Live Classes, arrive early and get your camera ready.

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