How to Get Involved?

the need

Raise funds, create awareness and advocate for Oncology Yoga

Let’s be honest. Both the yoga and cancer industries have not figured out how to best support all the necessary participants in their industries. Although some yoga businesses are making significant money, being a compassionate and experienced yoga professional does not bring financial windfall and actually can be challenging to making a livable wage. And for yoga participants sometimes the costs of classes or memberships can be barriers to start a yoga practice or to maintain one.

In the cancer world, costs of healthcare, limitations of health insurance and restrictions on policies, makes receiving a cancer diagnosis one of most costly things in life and over 30% of cancer survivors face significant financial strain post diagnosis. For all most cancer survivors and patients, paying for basic bills from housing, food and medication can be daunting.. so how does some one afford a yoga class for $20?

At yoga4cancer, we experience these challenges everyday in our business, within our community of survivors and yoga professionals.

Over 50% of our financing comes from charitable giving or grants that require time, focus and commitment.  We use resources to fund our work and we ask our community to do the same.

Together, we are better and can do more!

reasons to fundraise

Create a Fundraiser

As any non-profit, we rely on our community to provide programs, services, research, outreach and more. Without this support, we would not be able to operated.

Our community has successfully fundraised to:

  1. Support the general scholarships fund to aide low-income professional to get training
  2. To set up and fund ongoing yoga4cancer Classes
  3. To provide books, props and support to cancer centers or community centers
  4. To help support research projects.
  5. Raise awareness and find clients!
  6. Or ALL of the above!

Yes, the primary role of any activity is achieve fundraising goals but this type of work also raises awareness and drives engagements within the cancer community.  For many, that is a goal as well to ensure the success of any future class, project or outreach. 

Basically, there isn’t a reason to NOT do some crowd fundraising.  So let’s get started.

Fundraising made easy.

Mightycause is an all-in-one nonprofit fundraising service that enables our community to create fundraisers and the funds go directly to yoga4cancer Foundation. The fundraisers can range in ‘birthday campaigns’ to yogathons to cocktail parties or other events. It provides a smooth platform that anyone can use.


GoFundMe and Indiegogo are a do-it-yourself online fundraising service that has helped thousands of people raise millions of dollars in online donations for the fundraising ideas that matter to them most. GoFundMe allows regular people to accomplish extraordinary things with easy-to-use personal donation websites. From exciting life events like weddings & graduations to challenging circumstances like accidents & illnesses, the GoFundMe or Indiegogo fundraising software remains one of the best ways to raise money online.

These sites are able to accept donations immediately.  You can use this page to get your family, friends, colleagues & community to provide support for your yoga4cancer certification.  It’s a great way to get our ‘team’ involved and build a network of people invested in your advancement.

Advocacy & Awareness

Our vision is ‘Oncology Yoga is prescribed and available for all those touched by cancer.’ The prescription element relies on integration and referrals from the healthcare industry. To achieve this we must create awareness of Oncology Yoga and meaningful dialog on the evidence to integrate yoga into the standard of care for all cancer patients and survivors.

There is irrefutable evidence that yoga can play an important part in the cancer recovery process. But often healthcare professionals are unaware. And yoga professionals are un-informed. To aide both audiences we published the Yoga Interventions for Cancer Patients and Survivors, a white paper, and have widely distributed. This is has been a vital tool to create awareness for Oncology Yoga and thus advocate the cancer patients and survivors we serve.

You can help by:

  1. Download and read the white paper here.
  2. Send to healthcare professionals that would benefit from this information.
  3. Print copies and take to your local cancer center and / or hospital.
  4. Donate to fund future research projects like this.
