We all get many emails – too many. We get it and agree. At yoga4cancer, we do not send emails more than monthly and try to only provide information that we believe would be valuable and interesting to people. But, we still understand that sometimes people do not want to hear from us. Therefore, unsubscribing is possible on any email. We hope this is only temporary and wish you the best.
If you unsubscribe from emails, this will have an impact on our ability to send you communications about your course, workshops, events and programs that you have registered. It will block 90% of our ability to communicate with you. Only YOU, can change this status. We are unable based on policies of our email provider and legally (in the EU). Therefore, if you believe you unsubscribed mistakenly, please fill out the below.
Once you have processed this request, please send an email to info@yoga4cancer.com with any information that might be relevant to a program, course or workshop that you have registered. We will have to manually ensure accuracy of your re-subscription.
Special note for certified teachers:
If you are a certified teacher and you unsubscribed, this will impact both your access to Exclusive Resources and the Directory. By unsubscribing from emails, we are unable to communicate with you and therefore assume you are not interested in participating in our community. We will not be able to follow up on referrals or connect with you. Therefore, there is a risk that this type of lack of communication will be what a cancer patient or cancer center will receive. We cannot risk that. Again, we respect your decision and you can change your mind and rejoin the community at any point. Please subscribe above.