How to use Zoom to record your teaching practicum?

As part of the Certificate Program, every trainee is required to submit a Teacher Practicum that is 20 mins in length. As part of the registration process, the trainee was required to accept the below requirement before registrations.

  • ‘Yes, I confirm that I have the capability required to record a video of myself teaching (via phone, computer, tablet or camera) and to upload the recording to cloud hosting site.’

Throughout the program significant information is provided about the Practicum Assignment and support is provided about logistics on recording the assignment. This post is designed to be used in conjunction with those provided in the Orientation, Module #3, Module #5 and Module #6.

Recording a Teaching Practicum is possible both via an in person session and via a video session. This guidance is designed to support people that want to use Zoom to record their session.

Using Zoom to record your Practicum is not required. Please feel free to use any process or application.

Steps to record your Video Practicum via a Zoom event:
  1. You must have an account. Please follow steps as provided by Zoom to set up an account if you do not already. If you have an account, please log in.
  2. Start or set up a meeting as a host. Once you have you and your student or students organized, set up a meeting.
  3. Position your mat and your participants so that everyone is visible.
  4. Check your sound and make sure you are heard by your participants.
  5. Practice ‘Recording’. Follow instructions here to record locally. Just record you and your participants getting organized or talking. Learn where the start and stop record button are. This recording can be just seconds or minutes. The key is to identify the process AND where the recording is being saved.
  6. Once you have ‘stopped’ recording, identify where the recording is saved. We suggest that you record locally but you can also record to the cloud but that takes additional steps. Please carefully note the location of that recording. The ‘real’ session will be recorded in a similar location.
  7. Play the recording. Can you see yourself, your participants and can you HEAR yourself.
  8. If so, you are ready to record your full practicum. Please review all the other support information prior to the start of your final recording.
  9. Once the final assignment is recorded, find the file (mov or mpg format required) in the same location as the practice recording. Test the recording.
  10. Then follow provided steps to Upload into the Program.

Please note Zoom offers countless articles and support to help you. We have relied on these to learn how to use Zoom. Again, this is not a required process or tool for your practicum but it is a common, free and easy one. Please use Zoom Support to get further information.

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