Upon successful completion of the Certificate Program, a teacher is provided access to a separate section of the website, Exclusive Resources. These resources connect our newly trained teachers with support to best utilize their certification including:
- Marketing Toolkit
- yoga4cancer Proposal
- The Directory – see below
- Quarterly Meetup with other trained teachers
- Past Webinars and Meet Up replays
- Exclusive Forum
- Grant Opportunities
- Others ways to get involved.

The Directory: the largest source of Oncology Yoga Professionals
Our ‘Find a Teacher‘ Directory has the largest listing of qualified Oncology Yoga trained professionals. Since early 2006, we have trained nearly 3,000.
The Directory is searchable by location, email, name, online vs in person services, and by language. The Directory is used by:
- Cancer patients and survivors
- Caregivers
- Cancer centers and hospitals
- Other healthcare providers
- Non-profits