How are yoga4cancer Teachers applying their Oncology Yoga Certification?
Since our first training in 2004, we have trained nearly 3,000 yoga and healthcare professionals globally on Oncology Yoga. Each
Since our first training in 2004, we have trained nearly 3,000 yoga and healthcare professionals globally on Oncology Yoga. Each
Upon successful completion of the Certificate Program, a teacher is provided access to a separate section of the website, Exclusive Resources. These
A vital part of the 75 Hour Certificate Program is assessed on the ability to deliver safe and effective Oncology
The 75 Hour Certificate Program includes an Orientation. The Orientation is the first module of the online program and access
The yoga4cancer method is based on a vinyasa style for a specific reason. It looks to maximize the benefit of
Here are some good guidelines for effective online learning:
To be eligible for participation in professional certificate program, you agreed to specific program terms in addition to the general
Throughout our programs and courses, there are quizzes to aide your comprehension and reinforce key messages. These are valuable learning
Written worksheets are an important learning tool in our programs or courses. They are designed to help you work through
There are many different videos throughout the Certificate Program. Some are yoga4cancer pre-recorded or we have curated content from 3rd party