Who is listed on the Directory?

Our Directory is a service for teachers that have graduated our 45, 55 or 75 hour Certificate Program only. Since early 2006, we have trained nearly 3,000.

The ones included in the directory are those that are actively teaching Oncology Yoga. We want to ensure cancer survivors and patients or health care organizations that search for Oncology Yoga professionals receive a response. To achieve this ‘active’ status and be listed, these yoga professionals must do the following:

  • Individuals must update their information with accurate contact information and location information. Follow instructions to Update or Add A Profile.
  • Teachers must not have ‘unsubscribed’ from communication with yoga4cancer. If we are unable to communicate with you, we can’t verify information and / or best support our community.
  • Teachers must self-select to be displayed in the directory. In the Profile Management tool, individuals are able to ‘hide’ their profile.
  • Priority of display is based on recent activity. So the more often you access your Account including Exclusive Resources, the higher in the search you will be shown.

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