How to update your Teacher Profile?

Our Find A Teacher directory is an exceptional resource and visited by hundreds of cancer survivors, organizations and hospitals to find qualified Oncology Yoga trained professionals.

This directory is exclusive to teachers that have trained with yoga4cancer or Tari in the past 20 years. Currently, there is over 1,200 listed. However, we are still working to get individuals to update their information with accurate location and contact details.

If you are a certified yoga4cancer trained teacher and want to listed, please review the below steps. Please note that we require all those listed to updated their information at least ONCE per year to ensure accuracy. If you do not update, you will be hidden from the results until you have updated.

Step #1: Log into your Account

  • Log into your account on the upper right hand corner of the yoga4cancer website. You likely have an account on based on the email that you last used and / or registered for the program.
  • If you don’t remember your password, click “Lost Password?”
  • Please check Spam or Junk folders if you are missing password reset or other expected emails.
  • ALWAYS mark the email as “safe” and save this email to your address book.
  • Save the login details for the future.


  • In ‘My Account’, locate ‘My teacher profile’ in the left side menu in My account. This link and option is only available to certified teachers and thus being logged into the correct account is essential.
  • Go to ‘Edit Profile’ and fill out the form. Or you can use this link. Please be sure to read the description or notes if you have questions.
  • Make sure any URL or Social Media links are accurate and include the full link.
  • Click ‘Update’ to save details.
  • Review your edits by clicking ‘Return to Entry’.
  • If you have multiple entries, please only fill out one and send an email to to request removal of the duplicate.
  • Updates are now automatic to the Find a Teacher directory.

Some Notes on the Directory:

  • Recent activity (e.g. logging into profile) drives listing and visibility. This is to ensure up to date information and ensure engagement.
  • If you have not accessed your account or updated your profile in the last year, you will be hidden. This will ensure accuracy and quality.
  • Location based filters are active and will be used along with recent activity to provide recommendations.
  • Certified teachers that have ‘unsubscribed’ from yoga4cancer will be moved to Inactive profile and will not be shown. If you have unsubscribed by mistake, please send an email to to update us and we will change that setting.
  • The star * next to some names recognizes those that have graduated from the 75 hour program. That ensures that individuals that have the latest training will be prioritized.
  • Additional features will be added over time to include other filters and use of the information that is requested in your profile.
