How Yoga Transforms Lives by Give Back Yoga Foundation

Our partners at Give Back Yoga Foundation are leaders in helping yoga programs like ours transform lives around the globe. Learn more about the challenges, the solutions and the real-life, measurable impact that the six core yoga programs of Give Back Yoga Foundation make on our community.

“At Give Back Yoga Foundation, we strive to make yoga accessible to those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience the benefits of this powerful practice. As a national nonprofit yoga organization, we do this by supporting and funding six core yoga programs that use evidence-based modalities to serve at-risk and under-resourced populations.

With your generous support, our programs have transformed the lives of people affected by addiction, incarceration, war, eating disorders, and cancer. Collectively, our programs have brought hundreds of thousands of classes to those who need it most around the globe. Today, our programs are being studied in cutting-edge research on the therapeutic benefits of yoga for these populations.

It gives me great pleasure to share with you this report on how each of our programs uses the practice of yoga to transform lives.’

Namaste, Robert Schware Executive Director

