Tari’s Favorite Books on Yoga and Cancer

There are many terrific books on the Science of Yoga and many have different value or focus. The below are the books that Tari references and uses to inform and guide the yoga4cancer Method and subsequent training programs.

Cancer Publications:

  • ‘Anti-Cancer Living’ by Lorenzo Cohen, PhD and Alison Jefferies, Med
  • ‘The Emperor of all Maladies’ by Siddhartha Mukherjee
  • ‘The Cancer Chronicles’ by George Johnson
  • ‘The Cure Within: A History of Mind-Body Medicine’ by Anne Harrington
  • ‘The Cancer Journals’ by Audre Lorde
  • ‘Illness as a Metaphor’ by Susan Sontag

And of course, Tari’s own book – Yoga for Cancer!

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