Lilia Deligio

Lilia Deligio


I've been teaching yoga since 2008. As a Certified Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist & certified Yoga4Cancer teacher, I focus on adapting the practice to the abilities & current state of the student & linking it to their specific goals. Taking a holistic approach, my teaching aligns with the nature-based wisdom of Ayurveda, the ancient medical system that is Yoga's sister science. I teach at the Integrative Medicine Dept. of the Roy & Patricia Disney Family Cancer Center & also offer private sessions.

Hours of yoga4cancer Training:

45 or less


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Professional Address

Burbank, California 91504
United States
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Professional Website



Virtual vs In Person Oncology Yoga Support

Both in person and online

Language Capabilities
  • English
  • Spanish

Instagram Profile

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