Topic #5.1 – Advice, Cautions and a Class – UPDATED

1) Reading Assignment #5.1

Please read topic #5.1 in the Manual.

2) Schedule your Teaching Practicum 

Part of your work in the following topics will be to practice teaching your Practicum. You will then have the opportunity to revise your Practicum before teaching it again and submitting via video upload.

  • Take the time now to schedule one session with a friend, family member or an ongoing class to practice your practicum.
  • Take the time now to schedule a second session and video record this session as your teaching practicum. You may use the same person or group both times!
  • You must submit your Teaching Practicum Video by:
    • April 5th for Miami Program
    • April 26th for Chicago Program
  • Further instructions regarding the Teaching Practicum will be provided in the following modules.
