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Manual Editor Application

We are planning to publish our yoga4cancer Teacher Training Manual in 2025. This manual has been developed over 20 years and currently is +270 pages.  We want to make this valuable resources more readily available to yoga professionals – both existing and new to yoga4cancer. 

Our goals are:

  • Refine the existing content for quality and accuracy. 
  • Help scope and edit new content required.
  • Finalize the projected 300 page document for final publication. 
  • No formatting required. 
  • Tightly manage costs. We are a tiny non-profit and require creative and cost saving measures to achieve this project. 

The ideal candidate will have the following:

  • Strong background in health and wellness writing, particularly in yoga and oncology. Preference will be provided to existing yoga4cancer Certified Teachers.
  • Attention to detail and familiarity with publishing processes are essential.
  • Reading and understanding research is required.  
  • Native english speaking required (please note we plan to translate in Phase 2).
  • Self-motivated with little oversight. 
  • Dedication to improving the quality of care we provide cancer patients and survivors.  
  • Availability to deliver the project by June 1st, 2025.
Please apply by February 1st.

Your Address(Required)
1000 words for less
1000 words for less
Max. file size: 10 MB.
Please provide any links to review your work if available.
Max. file size: 10 MB.
