Specific Advice for Online Classes and Vidoes

During Live Classes, both the student and the teacher are visible. This is a requirement. These smaller classes are designed to provide participants supervision and feedback from the teacher. Therefore, we require that all participants have their cameras turned on. Students should make sure they are seen as clearly as possible.

  • During the session, be sure to close all other WIFI using services, like Netflix, Email or Dropbox. This has a direct impact on your live-streaming feed.
  • Set up your phone, tablet or computer so that you can easily see and HEAR the instructions from the teacher.
  • Mute alerts on your phone and the device you are using for the session.
  • Arrange your screen so that your teacher can see as much of you as possible and then you won’t have to keep moving the screen or adjusting yourself. You will probably need to be a minimum of 6 feet away from your device.
  • Maximize the screen on your device for best viewing.
  • Adjust your lighting so that your teacher can see you clearly and you can avoid screen glare, silhouetting and shadows.
  • Your teacher will let you know in advance what props you will need; make sure you have everything ready beforehand (e.g. blocks, belts, blankets, cushions) and water.
  • Dress as you would if you were attending a face-to-face yoga class. Remember, in a community class other people in the class may be able to see you on their screens.
  • Mute your microphone once class has started. In a community class, you can use the chat feature or ‘raise hand’ button if you need to speak to the teacher.

Other tips for a good class:

  • Pre-registration is required for every class; sign up early to ensure you receive the class link.
  • Be sure to test your technology, including cameras and speakers before class.
  • Try to focus on the instructions and listen to the voice of your teacher.
  • Be on time! Just like in a real yoga studio, late arrivals will not be able to join a class that is already in progress.